7 research outputs found

    Essential spectra of difference operators on \sZ^n-periodic graphs

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    Let (\cX, \rho) be a discrete metric space. We suppose that the group \sZ^n acts freely on XX and that the number of orbits of XX with respect to this action is finite. Then we call XX a \sZ^n-periodic discrete metric space. We examine the Fredholm property and essential spectra of band-dominated operators on lp(X)l^p(X) where XX is a \sZ^n-periodic discrete metric space. Our approach is based on the theory of band-dominated operators on \sZ^n and their limit operators. In case XX is the set of vertices of a combinatorial graph, the graph structure defines a Schr\"{o}dinger operator on lp(X)l^p(X) in a natural way. We illustrate our approach by determining the essential spectra of Schr\"{o}dinger operators with slowly oscillating potential both on zig-zag and on hexagonal graphs, the latter being related to nano-structures

    Essential spectra and exponential estimates of eigenfunctions of lattice operators of quantum mechanics

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    This paper is devoted to estimates of the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of difference operators on the lattice Z^n which are discrete analogs of the Schr\"{o}dinger, Dirac and square-root Klein-Gordon operators. Our investigation of the essential spectra and the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra is based on the calculus of so-called pseudodifference operators (i.e., pseudodifferential operators on the group Z^n) with analytic symbols and on the limit operators method. We obtain a description of the location of the essential spectra and estimates of the eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra of the main lattice operators of quantum mechanics, namely: matrix Schr\"{o}dinger operators on Z^n, Dirac operators on Z^3, and square root Klein-Gordon operators on Z^n